Member directory

By default, Booklet groups have a directory so that active members can find each other. You can limit the ability for members to find each other by disabling the directory.

Change directory visibility under “Settings -> Features -> Directory”.

This is useful for forums where you want to active members to remain mostly anonymous.

When the directory is enabled (Default for all communities)

  • Members can see each other’s profiles
  • Members can search for other active members
  • Members can @-mention active memberes in posts and replies
  • On public communities, search engines may index member profiles

When the directory is disabled

This prevents members from discovering other member profiles or seeing a list of profiles. But, it doesn’t hide member profiles - if one member knows the URL of another member, they can still access it.

Non-admin members:

  • Cannot see “Members” in the menu
  • Cannot search for other members
  • Can only @-mention members who have made a post or reply
  • Can still access member profiles if they know the URL, for example if that member made a post or reply


  • Can still see all members in the “All members” page
  • Can still search for members

In addition:

  • The newsletter’s “New members” section is disabled.
  • On public communities, search engines will not index member profiles.